Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Cavern of Black Ice by J.V. Jones

Don’t bother reading this book. There is too much torture and death, all described in unnecessary detail, and always from the POV (point of view) of the dying or being tortured person. Ages is spent on situations that have little to do with the overall plot, but are there to set a character in motion, unfortunately in immense detail and length. The teaser incident described on the back cover blurb happens on page 348! A sure sign of a bloated book.

It also has lots of my pet hate, the current POV character’s emotions and attitudes mentioned in detail very often. I gave up on reading the whole book and started skipping madly, but nothing much happened in terms of plot. There was lots of travel and deaths, and also many mentions of ravens, flagged early in the book as significant. The cover perfoms the astonishing feat of being worse than the book.

A Cavern of Black Ice first published 1999

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