Thursday, January 10, 2008

Lots of other books I've read

Cybele's Secret by Juliet Marillier, 2007, YA- very good, interesting setting.
Betwixt by Tara Bray Smith, 2007, YA - takes ages for anything to happen, full of angst ridden teenagers - pity, the idea was interesting, but the execution really overblown.
Black Projects, White Knights by Kage Baker, 2002, SF short stories - very good.
Death of an Effendi by Michael Pearce, 2000, mystery detective set in Egypt in 1909, very amusing, one of Pearce's best efforts.
Higher Education by Charles Sheffield and Jerry Pournelle, 1996, SF extrapolation of certain trends in society (especially education) and mining in space, interesting.
Latter End by Patricia Wentworth, 1949, mystery detective, good, especially characterisation and post WWII troubles.
Miss Silver Intervenes by Patricia Wentworth, 1944, mystery detective, good though I don't think she researched memory loss very well. But the people living in the block of flats during WWII were all interesting.
The Case is Closed by Patricia Wentworth, 1937, mystery detective. good. More action than usual in a Wentworth and I liked the couple, who were both worried about being bossed around by the other.

Also lots of New Scientist magazines.

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