Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Scholar of Magics by Caroline Stevermer

An interesting theme in this book is its look at what different people need and want to live a satisfying life. What is a satisfying life to one person may not be to another. Though this is just a side issue to the plot, which is seen through the eyes of an American in Britain (late Victorian or Edwardian times).

Though this is set soon after A College of Magics, you don't need to have read the first book, as it is not a direct sequel, more set in the same world. Jane Brailsford is the only common character on stage. I like this book better than the first, probably because of the assortment of clearly delineated and eccentric characters. And the ending, of course.

Patum Peperium, or Gentleman's Relish, is an anchovy paste.
A Scholar of Magics first published in 2004

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