I always feel cheerful after reading a new Pratchett book. Today I bought and read the latest Pratchett, and yes I feel cheerful. How does he go on writing amusingly and have a plot too? This book has Moist von Lipwig, the um, hero of Going Postal, as the hero again; this time lumbered with attempting to modernise banking and money.
I thought this book started a bit slowly, but even while thinking this I noticed I was carrying the book everywhere so I could read it any any spare half minute. We are also introduced to two new departments in the Unseen University, my favourite being the second one. Lots of characters from earlier books make cameo appearances, without slowing the plot in any way and usually making some point useful to the book.
Yep, this is another Pratchett worth buying in hardback, rather than the long wait to rise to the top of the library wait list (all the librarians are at the top of it I'm sure) or the whole year for the paperback. My husband is only up to page 17 and he's already read 3 or 4 bits out to me.
Making Money first published in 2007
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